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Planning to Meet Student Needs

Information Under Planning to Meet Student Needs

A Process of Discovery for EACH Student

The idea behind the Individualized Education Plan is that the IEP team would assess the students abilities, obtain information about how he/she is functioning  in the classroom, determine the individual’s needs based on mainstream performance expectations and finally develop the IEP.

Some of the questions that the IEP team needs to delve into are:

Discovery CompassWhat is the impact of the hearing loss on the student’s ability to access verbal instruction and peer communication in the classroom, progress at a rate typical of cognitive peers and be a full participant in the school environment?

  • Estimate impact of hearing loss on access not just degree of delay
  • Investigate ability to process communication/ instruction not just expressive production
  • Explore learning style not just skills achieved
  • At the center – ACCESS to communication not just ability to attend

IEP Planning Guide for Students with Hearing Loss

The communication driven, “child-centered” approach is essential to creating educational programming that is DRIVEN BY THE RIGHT TO FULLY AND EFFECTIVELY ACCESS COMMUNICATION that makes benefiting from his education possible. This approach is required by IDEA for students who are deaf/hard of hearing: 

The IEP team must….

iv) Consider the communication needs of the child, and in the case of the child who is deaf or hard of hearing, consider the language and communication needs, opportunities for direct communication with peers and professional personnel in the child’s language and communication mode, academic level, and full range of needs, including opportunities for direct instruction in the child’s language and communication mode, and (v) Consider whether the child requires assistive communication devices and services. 34 CFR 303.324(2)

“Lenses” of classroom communication, participation, curriculum and social language competencies

lensCommunication Lens

  • How much instruction does the student understand?
  • What is the student’s level of classroom interaction?


Participation and Social Language Lens

  • Is the student participating at a rate similar to peers?
  • What strategies or compensatory skills does the student utilize?
  • What does the student do when there are learning breakdowns?
  • How does the student understand and utilize social language in the integrated setting?
  • Are the student’s use and understanding of social language developing appropriately?

Curriculum Lens:

  • What strengths and gaps in access were observed when the teacher delivered the instruction?
  • What strengths and gaps in access were observed when the peers contributed to the instructional delivery?
  • How did the student access the general education curriculum when technology was utilized?
  • Did the student demonstrate appropriate progress in the general education curriculum?

  This focus of student assessment is different from other school staff that do not have DHH expertise.

Resources banner

Resources for Planning to Meet Student Needs

Relationship of Hearing Loss to Listening and Learning Needs

Assessment of Student Skills, Challenges, Needs

Accommodations for Students with Hearing Loss

Issues: Eligibility Determination


Issues: Provision of Appropriate Assistive Technology/Accommodations

Transition to Preschool

Transition Planning for Adulthood