The Itinerant Teacher’s Handbook 2nd Edition
Carolyn Bullard, PhD & John Luckner, EdD
A resource for DHH Programs, new teachers, professional community study. The 22 chapters provide a wide variety of information that describes the foundations of itinerant services to support students with hearing loss. $62.00
The Itinerant Teacher’s Handbook, Second Edition provides information and guidance to itinerant teachers of deaf and hard of hearing students. It covers the itinerant’s role and responsibilities and other topics important to the success of itinerant teachers but not necessarily included in teacher preparation programs. The itinerant will find here the
answers to essential, practical questions such as: How do I collaborate and consult with classroom teachers and other adults? What are the best ways to deal with conflict? How do I communicate effectively with teachers and principals in inclusion settings? How do I best help students learn to study and take tests?
Classroom teachers who have deaf or hard of hearing students in their classes, principals who are responsible for the success of inclusion, and support personnel will also find this book an invaluable resource. Special materials in the book include in-depth information for working with students’ families, sample presentations for orienting school personnel to the needs of deaf and hard of hearing students, and handouts for interpreters and classroom teachers.
Contents 494 pages
Chapter 1: Being an Itinerant Teacher—An Overview
What Is an Itinerant Teacher?
Differences Between Being an Itinerant Teacher and a Classroom Teacher
Effective Practices of Itinerant Teachers
Enjoyable Aspects of Being an Itinerant Teacher
Challenges of Being an Itinerant Teacher
Characteristics of Successful Itinerant Teachers
Chapter 2: Roles and Responsibilities of the Itinerant Teacher
A Complex Position
The Itinerant Teacher’s Responsibilities
Special Characteristics of the Itinerant Teacher’s Role
Perceptions of the Itinerant Teacher’s Role
Chapter 3: Educating Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing in General Education Settings
Changes in Placement
Potential Benefits and Barriers
Inclusion and Assumptions about How Inclusion Works
Successful Inclusion
Chapter 4: Potential Impact of a Hearing Loss and Promoting Student Success
Potential Impact of a Hearing Loss
Promoting Student Success
Chapter 5: Working Within Schools
Working with General Education Teachers
Effective Collaboration and Consultation Relationships
Understanding School Cultures
Establishing Yourself and Your Credibility in Schools
Working with School Districts
Coordinating Services
Addressing Issues of Placement and Scheduling
Working with Students in Private Educational Settings
Chapter 6: Personal Life and Professional Life
Managing It All
Professional Development
Personal Factors That Affect Professional Life
Standards of Conduct
Chapter 7: Successful Communication with Adults
Why Itinerant Teachers Study Communication
Problem Solving
Frame of Reference
Effective Communication Strategies
Tips on Reaching Clarity
Chapter 8: Collaboration, Consultation, and Teamwork
Chapter 9: Conflict and Negotiation
Dealing with Anger
Overcoming Resistance to Change
When Conflict Resolution Fails
Chapter 10: Working with Educational Audiologists, Speech-Language Pathologists, and Other Specialists
The Team of Educational Specialists
Roles and Responsibilities of Educational Audiologists
The Itinerant Teacher’s Audiological Responsibilities
Supporting the Educational Audiologist
Teaching Students About Hearing Loss
Speech-Language Pathologists
Physical and Occupational Therapists
Other Support Personnel
Chapter 11: Working with Supplementary Service Providers—Educational Interpreters, Paraeducators, Captionists, and Notetakers
Roles and Responsibilities of Educational Interpreters
Roles and Responsibilities of Paraeducators
The Educational Interpreter/Paraeducator–General Education Teacher–Itinerant Teacher Relationship
Supervising Educational Interpreters
Captionists and Notetakers
Potential Issues in Working with Supplementary Service Providers
Chapter 12: Orienting the School to Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Inclusion and Professionals’ Attitudes about Inclusion
Creating Change
Your Responsibility for Orientation
Beginning the Orientation
Meeting with Your Supervisor
First Meeting with the Principal
First Meeting with the General Education Teacher
Orienting School Staff and Students
Chapter 13: Accommodations and Modifications
Arranging the Classroom
Communicating with Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Accommodations for Instruction
Presenting Content Visually
Group Discussions
Student Notetakers
Facilitating Language and Concept Development
Assessment of Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Additional Modifications
Chapter 14: Working with Families
Understanding Families
Understanding the Itinerant Teacher–Family Relationship
Respecting Family Life
Building an Effective Partnership with Families
Providing Support and Information to Families
Communicating with Families
Families and Report Cards
Families and Educational Interpreters or Paraeducators
Chapter 15: Language, Literacy, Speech, and Audition
Chapter 16: Working with Students Who Have Additional Disabilities and Students Who Are Culturally and Linguistically Diverse
Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing with Additional Disabilities
Ecological Assessment
Curriculum Focus
Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and Culturally and
Linguistically Diverse
Providing Culturally Responsive Services
Chapter 17: Social Development of Young Children
The Impact of Newborn Hearing Screening and Early Intervention
Basic Human Needs
Social Development – 7 to 18 Months
Social Development – 19 Months to 3 Years
Social Development – 3 to 5 Years
Chapter 18: Social Development of School Age Students
Developing Social Skills
General Strategies for Teaching Social Skills
Strategies for Helping Students Develop Friendships and Peer Relationships
Hearing Loss and Identity
Promoting Self-Advocacy
Strategies for Academic Independence
Strategies for Stress Management
Chapter 19: Behavior Management
Personal Beliefs and Behavior Management
Problems of Managing Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Developing a Behavior Management Plan
Behavior Management Strategies for Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Chapter 20: Assessment, Test-Taking and Study Skills Instruction, and Grading
The Usefulness of Assessment
The Purposes of Assessment
Challenges of Assessing Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Types of Assessment
Commonly Used Assessment Tools and Procedures
Accommodations and Modifications to Assessment
Helping Students Build Test-Taking Skills
Helping Students Develop Effective Study Skills
Chapter 21: Individualized Education Programs and Individualized Family Service Plans
Federal Legislation
Special Education
Required Components of the IEP
Communication Considerations for Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
The Role of Itinerant Teachers in the IEP Process
Parents/Guardians and the IEP Process
The Individualized Family Service Plan
Map Action Planning System (MAPS)
Student Involvement in the IEP Process
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
Special Issues for Itinerant Teachers
Chapter 22: Transitions
The Stress and Challenges of Transitions
The Itinerant Teacher’s Role in Transitions
IDEA and Required Transition Planning
Working with Families During the Transition from Early Intervention
Transitions During Elementary School
Transitions During the Middle and High School Years
The Transition from High School