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Assessment of Story Comprehension – ASC


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 Assessment of Story Comprehension

Identify listening comprehension ability in preschoolers!

A fast and reliable tool to test the comprehension skills of young learners, ages 3-5 years.

Great for progress monitoring too!

Do you love the OPUS – Oral Passage Understanding Scale for your school-age students? The ASC provides similar information for students in Pre-K and Kindergarten.

The ASC has 6 forms, each of which include:

  • a teacher script with a brief story
  • followed by eight literal and inferential comprehension questions
  • including one question that asks the child to infer the meaning of a vocabulary word used in the story.


 The ASC manual includes

  • an introduction to the tool, its development, and its supporting research
  • detailed administration guidelines, including sample schedules for administering the ASC
  • general and item specific scoring guidelines
  • frequently asked scoring questions, including examples of how to score ambiguous responses
  • fidelity checklists and guidance on establishing and maintaining reliability
  • a guide to interpreting scores, including typical score ranges for children ages 3–4 and 4–5
  • two practice sets of materials for use in training examiners

Takes only about 3 minutes to administer and 1 minute to score. ©2019

Overall the ASC was easy to give. The student has to come up with the answer and there are no visuals. I like that the manual has a nice scoring guide in the back to assist in determining HOW to score the student. There are also several examples of scored assessments. The student I assessed today only scored 7 out of 17. The ASC would be a good progress monitoring tool to assess three times a year. This student was unable to make predictions based on the title. She scored 3 points out of 6 on the fact-based questions. She scored 3 out of 6 on the inference questions. She was unable to give a definition of the vocabulary word, even with it used 3x in the text. When given a choice, she was able to determine the meaning of the word. This is a student who is six years old, so it definitely points to some issues. A 5-year-old who scores below 11 should receive intervention based on the manual, and this student scored a 7 and she is six years old! Educational Diagnostician for DHH Students – Texas 


Assessment of Story Comprehension Manual Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction to the Assessment of Story Comprehension (ASC)
  Language and Reading Comprehension
  Purposes of the ASC and Curriculum-Based Measurement
  Technical Adequacy
  Organization of the ASC Manual

Chapter 2: Overview of the Assessment of Story Comprehension (ASC)
  What Is the ASC?
  ASC Stories
  ASC Questions

Chapter 3: Administering the Assessment of Story Comprehension (ASC)
  Qualifications and Training of Examiners
  Frequency and Timing of the ASC
  Materials and Setting
  Building Rapport and Managing Behaviors
  Specific Administration Guidelines

Chapter 4: Scoring the Assessment of Story Comprehension (ASC)
  Terms to Know
  General Rules and Scoring Tips
  Scoring Tips by Item
  Frequently Asked Scoring Questions
  Establishing and Maintaining Scoring Reliability
  Appendix: Extended Scoring Guides

Chapter 5: Using the Results of the Assessment of Story Comprehension (ASC)
  Interpretation of ASC scores
  Special Populations
  Sharing Results
  Linking to Intervention

Appendix A: Basic Scoring Guides
Appendix B: Fidelity Checklists
Appendix C: Practice Sets 1 and 2


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