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Can You Guess the Big 5?

I am often asked, if I had to choose, which would be the most important assessments for teachers of the deaf/hard of hearing to routinely use during initial or triennial assessments. Assessments that reflect unique needs of our students Assessments to tease out...

Advocacy Notes – Early October 2018

Can a 504 Plan be ENOUGH Support? Many more students with hearing loss are being denied eligibility for specialized instruction and provided 504 Plans to meet their accommodation needs. The US Department of Education provides extensive answers to 47 FAQs on Section...

Advocacy Notes – August 2018

Assessment of Students with Hearing Loss MUST Consider Their Full Range of Needs Speech Language Results and Observation Alone are Insufficient S.P. v. East Whittier City School District, Pasadena, California One June 1, 2018, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals...

Advocacy Notes

Grade Retention Question from the field: I was wondering if there was any research or insight on retaining kids who are Deaf/HH for one school year. There have been a few small cases where student who were able to repeat one grade level helped to close that wide gap...

Advocacy Notes

The Power of an Appropriate Program of Special Education Support The special education pendulum has swung away from segregated settings where students with special needs minimally mixed with ‘regular’ students in the 1980s to the current full inclusion model, where...