The Audiogram Tablet illustrates the intensity and frequency of everyday sounds and describes the level of possible hearing loss due to prolonged exposure at each zone
- The Audiogram Tablet illustrates the intensity and frequency of everyday sounds
- Describes the level of possible hearing loss due to prolonged exposure at each zone
- Includes views of the speech banana
- Great for the parent meetings; teacher inservice; IEP meetings
- 50 Tear off sheets per tablet
- PACK of 3
Product Details: 11 5/8” X 8.25” | 50 pages per tablet | 3-pack |Tear off sheets
with QR Code link to Animation
The Ear tear off tablet illustrates anatomy of the ear with QR code
- View of outer, middle, inner ear
- View of semicircular canals and cochlea
- View of the cross section of the cochlea
- View of the ear drum
- Healthy vs damaged hair cells
- Call-out terms to label specific parts
- 50 Sheets per tablet
- PACK of 3
- Great for teaching students about how their hearing functions.
- Great for meetings with parents, inservicing teachers, and IEP meetings.
Product Details: 11 5/8” x 8.25” | 50 pages per tablet | Tear off sheets | Pack of 3 tablets
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