Communication access is a key component of 504, IDEA and Title II of the ADA. Under Title II of the ADA, schools are required to ensure that communication access is as effective for children with hearing loss as it is for their typically hearing peers through the provision of appropriate auxiliary aids and services. This handout provides a forum for team discussion of the need for auxiliary aids and services for different school situations so students can receive information from, and convey information to, others as effectively as students without disabilities.
- Amplification
- Assessment of Student Skills, Challenges, Needs
- Early Childhood: Infants, Toddlers, Preschool
- Hearing Loss – Identification, Impact and Next Steps
- Impact of Hearing Loss on Child Development and School Performance
- Describing the Impact of Hearing Loss to Parents/Teachers
- Hearing Loss – Identification and Next Steps
- Hearing Loss – Information on Specific Types
- What is “Normal” Hearing for Children?
- ANSD – Auditory Neuropathy/Dyssynchrony Spectrum Disorder
- Atresia, Microtia: Permanent Conductive Hearing Loss
- CMV (Cytomegalovirus) and Hearing Loss
- Ear Infections and Learning
- Cholesteatoma – What is it? How can it affect learning?
- Hearing Loss Caused By Noise
- Hyperacusis: Over-Sensitivity to Sound
- Mild Hearing Loss and Learning
- Unilateral Hearing Loss and Learning
- Deaf PLUS Additional Needs
- Language and Speech Development Issues
- Legal Issues in Serving Children with Hearing Loss
- Listening (Auditory Skills) Development
- Planning to Meet Student Needs
- Self-Advocacy Skills for Students with Hearing Loss
- Self-Concept: How the Child with Hearing Loss Sees Himself
- Social Skills
- Speech Perception & Learning
- Hearing Aid Retention for Young Children
- Hearing Aid Retention for Young Children